Cheap Windows VPS - Onlive Server
IT Technology

Reasons to Go for Cheap Windows VPS

Cheap Windows VPS:

Budding entrepreneurs should make it a point to go for Cheap Windows VPS hosting as it offers them large scale advantages within an affordable range.

Beginners into the world of business usually prefer to go for shared hosting packages for their sites. Shared hosting plans might be perfect for businesses that have just started venturing in the market. But they might have to upgrade to some other server hosting plan if the traffic on their site grows. This is where the role of Windows VPS plan comes in. It offers a website its very own operating system, bandwidth and disk space, thus making way for improved user experience.

Cheap Windows VPS Server Hosting Plans

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Some reasons why Windows VPS and not Cheap Linux VPS would be the right option for your online business are as follows:

Affordable Option

With growth in business, your website will be drawing in more visitors. This is the time when you need to consider shifting to some other hosting package instead of continuing with your shared plan. Putting in extra money in your shared server hosting package will not be a great decision for you. It would be great for you to go for dedicated server hosting but then you should be fully prepared to pay a hefty price.  Virtual private server hosting packages offer the advantages of both dedicated and shared hosting plans. Thus, they serve as one of the most affordable options for businesses on a budget. Online Server offers a complete spectrum of affordable Windows VPS hosting packages for satiating the ever-changing requirements of sites.

Resources do not Get Shared

One of the most basic reasons behind going for Windows VPS is that you are the sole owner of the resources on the server. You get to use all the server resources for hosting your site and that too without having to pay a heavy price for the same service available through a dedicated server hosting plan. Online Server offers its VPS users 1 GB RAM, 1 core processor, KVM architecture, 30 GB storage space, 500 GB data transfer speed, 100 Mbps network connectivity speed and 1 dedicated IP address. Control panel options include cPanel, ZPanel, Centos, Sentora and Virtualmin.

With all these resources completely dedicated to serve your site, you can remain assured of the fact that your site will be up and running even in times when it experiences sudden spikes in traffic. You will not have restricted resources and thus your site will be able to work in the most effective manner.

Improved Security

Virtual private server hosting is more secure in comparison to shared server hosting plans. This is mainly due to the fact that the data and applications on virtual private servers remain completely isolated from the other users. Shared plans are where the sites on the servers get infected by malware. This can have a major effect on the site also. Things are completely different with VPS packages where all the resources remain isolated and thus there are absolutely no chances of infection. There are affordable VPS hosting packages available in the market. These come equipped with different security attributes like regular back-ups and firewalls. This further ensures complete security for websites.

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FAQs in context of Windows and Linux VPS are as follows:

Q. Do I get complete control on my site when using Windows VPS?

Yes, you get complete control on the site and you also get to operate it independently.

Q. Is server customization option available?

Yes, you get to tailor-make the server the way you desire and even install software as required.

Q. When is it important to reconsider hosting requirements?

Reconsider hosting requirements when there is a growth in traffic on your site or in times of business expansion.

Q. What are the best advantages of VPS?

Complete safety and security.

Q. Why VPS?

VPS is feature-rich and cost-effective.